Mission High School Students to Have Very Foodie Banquet Today Catered By Craig Stoll, Charles Phan, Others

By: Jay Barmann

Mission High principal Eric Guthertz has been successful in raising test scores at the once under-performing school by offering incentive rewards to students. He started by offering to get the school's mascot tattooed on himself if scores went up, and they did, by ten points. His latest offer, voted on by students and which raised scores 70 points — the steepest jump in the city — was to have lunch cooked for the school by a famous chef. He enlisted more than one, as it happens, and today, as SFoodie reports, 800 students and 100 faculty and staff will enjoy a grand banquet with dishes by Delfina's Craig Stoll, Sam Mogannam from Bi-Rite, Frances chef Melissa Perello, and Slanted Door's Charles Phan, himself a Mission High alum.

Also, there'll be plantain chips from Pica Pica Maize Kitchen, and desserts from Anthony's Cookies and Mission Pie. 30 volunteers from Schwab will serve as waiter.

See the full menu below:

Frances: Lamb confit sandwich on brioche bun with asparagus-potato salad
Slanted Door: Chicken or vegetarian curry with rice noodles
Delfina: Lumachine (shell-shaped pasta) with Sunday Supper sauce
Bi-Rite: Barbecue brisket sandwich with coleslaw and potato salad
For their next incentive, Guthertz offered them several options, including a concert by a famous musician, and eating worms on YouTube. But the prize that won the most votes was a boat dance.

Bi-Rite, Frances, Slanted Door, and Delfina All Cook for Mission High [SFoodie]
