3 Minute interview with Sean FitzHowar

By: Amy Crawford
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Courtesy Photo
Sean FitzHoward
The Lowell High School junior received the Youth Engagement Award from the Bay Nature Institute this year. She founded her school’s Protect the Bay Club two years ago to educate her peers about San Francisco Bay and inspire them to preserve it. The club’s documentary, “The Mermaid — A Story of Restoration,” won this year’s San Francisco Ocean Film Festival student competition.

How does your club protect the Bay?
We do fundraising. Last year, we donated $500 to Save the Bay. We do habitat restoration.

How did you become interested in the Bay?
I’ve always felt strongly about the environment. I care about animals.

What are the greatest threats to the Bay?
I would say pollution, invasive species. The biggest threat is about 90 percent of the wetlands around the Bay have been lost, paved over.

What can people do to help?
The first thing to do is be conscious and think about the Bay. Be aware of it. It’s this natural ecosystem that we live right near. Drive your car less. Be conscious about your trash.

What’s your film about?
It’s about looking at the Bay as something that’s alive and something that’s beautiful. It’s kind of like bringing it back to life.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/my-city/2012/04/3-minute-interview-sean-fitzhoward#ixzz1rlX9KeP1
