Letters to the editor, April 16 - Schools, family: partners

April 16, 2013

Responsible, mindful parents who have or have had their children attend the San Francisco Unified School District know that the district is an excellent educational organization that is getting better every year. ("S.F. school on a mission to change its reputation," April 13)

What can give any school a bad reputation is if there are a certain number of children from homes where focus, mindfulness and higher thoughts and visions of the future are not being discussed at home.
It is the quality of any family's conversations and thoughts from home that ultimately decides the fate of most children.

The district is aware of this fact and has tried with enormous tenacity to make up for the deficits in some home environments by having, for example, extra tutorial aid and after-school programs offering a huge variety of subjects accessible to any student choosing to join.

On behalf of grateful parents, I say thank you, San Francisco schools, for being a good stewardship partner with our families.

Peter Vaernet, San Francisco